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Markdown is a simple human-readable text mark-up language.

Bold & Italic

Italic text can be created by surrounding your text in *asterisks*

Bold text can be created by surrounding your text with **double asterisks**

Bold and italic  is made with ***three asterisks***


  • List items
  • Another item

is made like so:

* List item
* Another item 


We turn URLs into hyperlinks automatically for you. (This is a Collared addon feature, not pure Markdown)


# This is the title
Here's some very good boiler plate text.

## This is the subheader
Subheaders are awesome. Even better than you think.

### This is the third level header.
And so on.

This is the title

Here's some very good boiler plate text..

This is the subheader

Subheaders are awesome. Even better than you think.

This is the third level header

And so on.


Quote things as in emails with angle brackets

> "Go forth and code"
> -  Simone (creativity brings out my feminine side)


Indent by 4 spaces

 -    Hi


Exclamation mark, image description in square brackets then image url in normal brackets

